Even wanting to regularize their backlog, 54% of delinquents do not pay the debt after collection

A survey conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) with consumers who are defaulted or have been in this situation in the last 12 months reveals that more than half (54%) of the Debtors did not pay their debts even after being notified by the Credora company, although they had the intention of paying them off.

The survey also shows that the efficiency of the charges varies depending on the segment of the overdue account. The financing of cars and motorcycles, which implies the taking of the good in case of non-payment, is the credit modality that had the highest success rates in the debt payment charges, with 56% of citations. Secondly, the ranking of the most paid debts after the notification shows the pay TV accounts (52%), followed by the special check (48%) and Internet (42%).

On the other hand, the landline and mobile phone bills (29%) are the debts that have the lowest rate of payment, behind the monthly tuition of schools, universities and courses (30%) and loans in banks and financial (31%).

SPC Brazil's chief economist, Marcela Kawauti, explains that ignoring the collection notification is a reckless attitude that aggravated the debtor's situation. "Leaving the notification aside is the worst way to deal with a charge. As complicated as the current financial condition is, the consumer will only resolve the issue if there is a willingness to face it and propose solutions. The best way is to plan, negotiate, dialogue with the lender and look for realistic deadlines and payment terms that fit in the monthly budget. Running away or hiding from the creditor will not cause the debt to stop being paid, "he advises.

For the financial educator of the portal ' My Happy pocket ', José Vignoli, the agreement is always the best alternative for all parties involved, "delinquency brings serious damage to the finances of companies, besides leaving millions of people without access to the market Credit, "says the educator.

Six out of ten debtors were charged by single letter

The simple letter is the type of notification most adopted as a form of collection. According to the SPC Brazil survey, in 58% of the cases the interviewed consumers received a letter from the creditor in their homes with a notice of the outstanding value. Another very usual way is the connection of the collector, with 49% of citations. email messages (27%), mobile torpedoes (25%), and phone-recorded messages (16%) complete the list of most common billing types. Only 5% of the delinquent respondents did not receive any kind of charge.

Only 8% of defaulted consumers considered undue recovery, and the most frequent perception was that the values were not correct and therefore the issue was not resolved (7%). In total, nine out of ten (89%) consumers admit that the collection was, in fact, proceeding.

For a quarter of the lender's debtors approach was hostile; 28% prefer to be notified by email


The study also found that the main argument used by the collector to convince the consumer to pay the outstanding accounts was to inform that the name of the respondent would be registered in the credit protection lists, if the debt was not paid (39%), followed by the notice of judicial action (17%) and the notice of protest in a notary (5%).

In nearly a quarter of the cases (23%) consumers reported an inappropriate approach at the time of collection, usually with aggressive posture, threatening, disrespectful or with erroneous information about debt. For little more than half of the debtors (51%) The approach was more friendly, being respectful (27%) or cordial (24%). For 16% of respondents the collection was cold. The most common feelings in the act of recovery were embarrassment (36%), annoying (27%), anguish (25%), pressure (23%) and humiliation (15%).

"The law protects the creditor from receiving the value owed to him, but for this he cannot use aggressive methods, such as threat, exposing the client to ridicule

Or any other kind of embarrassment. If the consumer feels injured at the time of collection, he must seek a lawyer or complain in some consumer defense body, "warns the financial educator of ' My Happy pocket ', José Vignoli.

According to the debtors, the preferred way to receive the notification is e-mail, mentioned by 28% of respondents. Another 24% cite the simple letter and only 19% prefer the letter with acknowledgement of receipt (AR). Only 0.3% of the sample say they prefer the visit of a collector in their residence.


The research aimed to identify the process and collections and renegotiations of the Credoras companies. The sample consisted of 602 Brazilians from all regions of the country who have been or have been negated in the last 12 months. The margin of error is at most 3.99 percentage points to a confidence margin of 95%.



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