CDL conducts seminar to inaugurate mediation and arbitration Center

From now on, lawyers and mainly members of the Chamber of Shopkeepers (CDL) of Campina Grande can use a new alternative for resolving conflicts in a practical and objective way.

It is that from the day 08 of March begins to work in the CDL the nucleus of mediation and arbitration. This will enable the parties to enter into their contacts the arbitration clause to discuss any disputes through conciliation or in case of extra judicial notification to decide the conflict.

One of the advantages of opting for mediation is the maximum time to complete the arbitration procedure. While in common justice the processes take years to complete in mediation the maximum deadline is six months. That is, the parties initiate the conciliation knowing the day that begins and the day that terminates the process. Everything happens with total secrecy, procedural economics and informality.

The nucleus should act in an alternative way in resolving conflicts such as:

01-Actions of Usucapião, sharing of assets and inventories;

02-Collisions in traffic and evictions;

03-possessory and commercial actions;

04-Actions in Family law and collective Labor Dyssidia;

05-Declaratory actions for the waiver of vehicle ownership (when a car is sold and the buyer does not transfer to the DMV).

among others.

Come to know and participate in the mediation and arbitration nucleus of the CDL of Campina Grande. Venue: Rua Barão do Abiaí, No. 24, Centro. Information: 3182.5000.


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