Event Spaces

Event Rooms

The service that aims to meet the need for space for the realization of courses, recruitment and selection, lectures or forums. The member of CDL Campina Grande has the right to use one of the rooms at no cost once a year depending on its associative plan. After this use, the member will have the right to lease with the reduced values. The use of the rooms must be previously scheduled, according to the availability by phone (83) 37182.5000 or by email cdl@cdlcampina.org.br. 

We currently have three environments: 



Location: Rua Barão do Abiaí, 24-Centro

Headquarters CDL Campina Grande – 2nd Floor

Phone: (83) 3182.5000

E-mail: cdl@cdlcampina.org.br;

capacity for 100 seats;


Armchairs with armrests and support;


Data Show;


1 equipment Operator (audio and video);

Room for coffee break.

Meeting Room

Location: Rua Barão do Abiaí, 24-Centro

Headquarters CDL Campina Grande – 2nd Floor

Phone: (83) 3182.5000

E-mail: cdl@cdlcampina.org.br;

Capacity for 20 seats;


rectangular table;


TV 52 inches;

HDMI Cable;

1 Auxiliary (Ordinance);

Room for coffee break.


Training room

Location: Rua Twenty and Quatro de Mayo, 1503-catolé

Headquarters CDL Foundation 

Phone: (83) 3322-0137/98123-1023;

E-mail: cdl@cdlcampina.org.br; 

capacity for 60 seats;



Chairs with armrests and support for writing;


Data Show;


1 Auxiliary (Ordinance);

Ample parking;

Room for coffee break.


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