Entities unite in note of repudiation against newspaper Já Paraíba

The newspaper JÁ PARAÍBA, from the system mail of communication, last Monday (26) presented aggressively and shockingly, in Call of cover, the information about the latrocinium involving the businesswoman Célia Márcia Cirne, a fact that occurred on the afternoon of last Saturday (24 ), in the center of Campina Grande, causing a state of commotion among good people. 

The publication brought in the matter, purely market, the sinister exploitation of a tragedy, reversing the order of values by trying to transform the social vision on the facts by putting criminals and victims in reverse poles, prejudging and Spectacularizing the suffering of a woman's family who at the height of her 69 years continued to work and generate dozens of jobs.

In view of the above, it is with indignation that the representative entities of classes repudiation and require retraction on the part of the newspaper in relation to the headline presented in bottle letters, giving to understand that Dona Célia had been the real culprit for the crime of which was Victim.


Campina Grande, December 27, 2016


Sign this note:


Creci – PB




Paraiba Convention and Bereau

Revcen, the                       

Rotary Club

Sicoob Borborema

Sindfarma – PB


Sinduscom – PB


Campina Grande Medical Society                


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