Brazilians ' main goals for 2017 are to collect money and get out of the red

The economic crisis reached its apex in 2016 and with this the consumers had to face adverse situations throughout the year, adapting and changing consumption habits, besides postponing the achievement of goals. Still, 2017 begins with a little optimism and the hope of resolving the personal financial problems and the country's economy.

The Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) researched what are the expectations and projects of Brazilians to 2017 and found that, despite the crisis, 43.5% are optimistic about the economy and believe that This year will be better than 2016. The main goals are to collect money (41.1%) and get out of the red, paying all the bills that are overdue (35.1%).

In a note that goes from 1 to 10, where 1 is very bad and 10 is very good, the expectation for the Brazilian economy for 2017 is 5 and the personal financial life is 6. Almost half of the interviewees (48.0%) are excited to realize their personal projects in 2017, but 14.1% are discouraged and with a bad expectation, and among these, 69.2% attribute their discouragement because they are in a difficult financial situation and 46.6% because they are unemployed and without expectation of relocation in the market.

Other 18.6% believe that the economic scenario in 2017 will be equal to 2016 and, among the 16.8% who think it will be worse, the main consequences in everyday life will be the reduction in purchases (46.9%) and the difficulty to keep the accounts in day (35.3%).

As a measure to overcome the problems arising from the economic crisis, most respondents rightly mention organizing the House accounts (26.0%), avoiding using the credit card (24.8%) and doing price research (23.1%). Despite the difficulties, 41.0% do not want to give up a financial reverse, 29.4% cancel Internet and mobile plans and 26.1% to spend on products not so needed. For the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, the research shows that at least a part of consumers understands the seriousness of the current situation and intends to act actively in order to avoid financial imbalance. "Measures such as the Organization of accounts and the conscious use of credit cards can make a difference in the budget throughout the year," he explains.

The survey of SPC Brazil also shows that 27.7% intend to make periodic applications, 16.7% finance their own home and 15.4% automobile financing. Among those wishing to borrow in 2017 (7.7%), 41.0% will use the money to pay their debts, 12.7% invest in a own business and 10.1% buy a car or motorbike. The risk of failing to pay the debts appears as the greatest fear for 2017, cited by 42.0% of respondents. They were also mentioned to have health problems (41.9%) and that the country does not leave the current crisis (40.0%).

"The economy, directly or indirectly, is at the heart of the concerns of Brazilians. Many expect that in 2017 they can solve their financial issues and overcome the recession, returning to consume and achieving their goals, such as constituting a financial reserve, for example, "says Kawauti.

Corruption – One of the highlights of the media in 2016 due to Lava Jato – was also remembered. For 49.9% of Brazilians, it is the most important problem of the country to be solved in 2017, followed by violence (43.7%), health (43.3%), unemployment (38.7%) and the economic crisis, mentioned by 37.2%.

2016 retrospective: For half of Brazilians, financial life worsened

2017 can start with better expectations for the economy of Brazil and for the personal financial life, but the year that passed left bad memories in the lives of consumers: for 63.3% of respondents, the economy worsened in 2016 compared to 2015 and only 10.0% find She's improved.

Considering personal finances, more than half (51.4%) claim that it also worsened on the same basis of comparison. Among the main reasons, the most cited are the increase in the value of products and services without the parallel increase in income (64.9%), the decrease in family income (45.1%) and indebtedness (41.9%). Among the 16.9% who believe that it has improved, the main factors are the increase in salary (25.6%) and greater employment security (22.1%).

The survey also shows that 51.5% had to give up many things they bought for being more expensive and 85.9% had to make cuts or adjustments in the budget in 2016, especially in items such as clothing, footwear and accessories (61.9%), meals outside the house (61.2%) and supermarket superfluous items (51.7%).

Brazilian debt in 2016 reached the average value of R $4,579

Three out of ten respondents (26.8%) were unable to pay all accounts and were registered in a credit protection service. The main accounts that were not paid by the negated consumers were the portions of the credit card (68.0%), the portions of the store card (59.0%), the telephone bills (38.6%), the special check (36.2%) and water/light bills (35.8%). On average, the total value of the debt is R $4,578.65. The vast majority (95.7%) intends to clear the name, but 53.7% is not expected when they will do so.

In relation to employment, 29.5% considered themselves stable in their positions. Among the unemployed, 39.0% remain in this condition for over a year. In addition, seven out of ten Brazilians (71.6%) know friends or relatives who have recently lost their jobs.

Economic crisis impacted on personal plans

Among the personal plans carried out in 2016, the main ones do not have a direct relationship with the financial life: health care (21.0%); have more free time (15.7%) and lose weight (12.6%).

Already among the plans not implemented last year, the most mentioned are to gather money (34.1%), make a big trip (24.2%) and renovate the house (23.8%). Asked about the main reasons for failing to fulfill these plans, the high prices (43.9%), the restricted amount of money already directed to the payment of the monthly accounts (41.0%) and the lack of money (32.7%) were the most cited.


SPC Brazil interviewed 601 people of both sexes and older than 18 years, of all social classes in all Brazilian regions. The margin of error is 4.0 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%.

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