Average spending on clothing and celebrations should be R $263, a fall of 17% over 2015. For specialists, trade and service sectors have opportunities with New Year's Eve.
After Christmas, retailers expect to trade gifts to attract consumers. The last week of the year can lead people to stores again and boost trade with product purchases for the new year. A survey of the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) shows that 56.8% of those who will celebrate the date intend to buy clothes, footwear and/or accessories to use in the year-pass – an increase of 6.3 points Percentage in relation to 2015 (50.5%).
The survey reveals, however, that the expenses with these purchases and also with the celebrations will be lower than in the past year: average value of R $263.06, which represents a real decline of 17.4% in relation to the value declared in 2015 (R $293.56), already considering the Accumulated inflation in the last 12 months. About 63.9% still do not know the value that will be spent.
"Considering that Brazilians want to buy, but spending less, the suggestion for retailers is that they offer cheaper options," advises Marcela Kawauti, chief economist at SPC Brazil. "Many people will have to acquire more items into account, exchanging brands or finding alternatives that weigh less in their pockets. Therefore, retail needs to diversify on the shelves, so that customers of all economic profiles can find what they are looking for. The tip is to offer good buying options, taking care that the presentation of the products is as attractive as possible, inviting customers to enter the point of sale, "says Kawauti.
The survey also shows that nearly eight out of ten consumers (82.9%) have already decided where they intend to celebrate. Most of them guarantee that New Year's Eve will be lived at home (23.5%, with a drop of 6.4 p. P in relation to 2015), but there are also those who want to travel (13.1%, with an increase of 4.9 p. P compared to 2015) or to spend the turn in the home of other relatives (12.0%).
"In addition to retail, the service sector can also find good opportunities to get revenue in New Year's season, as it can offer packages and promotions on tourism, sightseeing and lodging trips," says The Economist.