History of CDL Campina Grande


The CDL 

Who currently sees the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande, headquartered in Rua Barão do Abiaí, center of the city, running at full steam, with the work of directors and collaborators, perhaps not even imagine the story that she carries.

It was February 12, 1966, when a group of entrepreneurs inaugurated the club of shopkeepers directors with President Ademar da Costa Santos. The entity emerged as another force in defending the interests of trade, fighting alongside other representative leaders in search of the common good of the Campinense society. 

In 1996, the entity went on to the denomination Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande and over five decades stands out for accompanying its associates, meeting their needs and promoting their constant development and strengthening the economy. 

The CDL was consolidated by conducting campaigns to move sales in the city and the metropolitan region, promote social responsibility through the CDL Foundation, and think about the future, with innovative projects such as the Open Sky Shopping Mall.

The CDL Campina Grande with half a century of history, is recognized as the largest retail entity in the state of Paraíba, with more than 800 associates, promoter of major events and with a strong representativeness in political and economic issues.


Interaction with the associates and agents of society, in the permanent pursuit of sustainable development with Social responsibility.


To be a reference in services and solutions for associates and society.


Ethics Excellence Honesty Commitment Creativity Objectivity.


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