Project that prohibits 13th rent in malls is approved and goes to the Constitution and Justice Committee of the Chamber

The project prohibiting the progressive collection of rent in malls across Brazil was approved today (25) by the Committee on Economic Development, industry and trade of the House of Deputies.

After the approval of the matter, the moment was commemoration. According to the president of the Retail trade union of DF, Edson de Castro, also director of the National shopkeepers Council in shopping malls and entities (Conecs), this is the first time that retailers earn from entrepreneurs of malls, which represents the Beginning of a great fight.


"Winning over the economic power is very good, because we won over the malls, which is very difficult. We had many shopkeepers present here and the pressure was strong. Therefore, the project was approved. The presence of shopkeepers was essential for victory. The more expense the shopkeeper has, the more stores close the doors, we want to prevent this from happening not to increase the mass of 12 million unemployed in the country ", explains Castro.

Members of the National shopkeepers Council in shopping malls and entities (Conecs) were also present at the public hearing in the chamber. The entity fights for the approval of the project because it considers that shopkeepers of shopping malls cannot continue to pay the 13th, 14th and 15th rents.

Gathering shopkeepers from malls throughout the country, Conecs defends the balance in the contractual relationship between shopkeepers and entrepreneurs of malls, besides the maintenance and generation of jobs and income.


For deputy Marcelo Matos (PHS/RJ), author of the 4447/12 project, this was a great achievement. However, the battle will continue, as the matter shall be forwarded to the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship Committee (CCJ).

 "For four years we have fought an incessant struggle for the benefit of shopkeepers and consumers. Now, let's stop one more battle at the CCJ for the project to be approved and finish this duplicate charge in December, which is when the shopkeeper manages to increase its sales volume and pays much more than in the other months, "explains the parliamentary.

According to the congressman, the progressive collection of rental in shopping malls harms both shopkeepers and consumers, who pay more for the goods.

Deputy Aureo (SD/RJ), who proposed the vote separately from the project, believes that this is a breakthrough for shopkeepers, which enables a relationship of equality between developers and shopkeepers. "I am sure that the approval of this project will bring great fruit in the future. There will be less closing of stores, more jobs and a more heated sector. No one will lose, "he says.

The parliamentarians who voted in favor of the rejection of the project argued that the malls have more spending during the month of December and therefore the values should be passed on to retailers.

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