The President of the House of Shopkeepers (CDL) of Campina Grande, Artur pellet, accompanied by entrepreneurs members of the Board of Directors, was reunited with Mayor Romero Rodrigues, on Monday afternoon (07), at the headquarters of the Institute of of the Municipal server (Ipsem), to deal with various matters related to trade.
One of the main themes presented during the meeting concerns the ornamentation of the streets of the center of Campina Grande in the year-end period. Artur Marbles asks the city to return to the traditional Christmas cantata and other events so that the central streets become an attraction to more in the illuminated Christmas of Campina Grande. The shopkeeper also requested that the municipal guard be relocated to act on the site in partnership with the military police in the fight against thefts and robberies to consumers.
The directors also asked for attention to the project of the Open Pit Mall, which is expected to enter the experimental phase next December with the implantation of kiosks at Rua Maciel Pinheiro and the parking in the People's Park.
The president of the CDL spoke of the importance of class entities maintaining dialogue with the executive power and explained that they will fight, with the support of other class entities, to implement in Campina Grande the Social observatory. "The existence of partnerships between the Government and the business is fundamental. Regardless of any political party issue it is necessary to observe that the elections have to prevail in the city. Campina Grande needs to be well! Regardless of who is managing it, "he said.
According to Artur Pellet, the meeting allowed the integration between the executive and the entity. "We were very well received by Mayor Romero Rodrigues and we took advantage to present some projects such as the incentive campaign for sales that has as main objective to promote the trade of the city in the period of year end, in addition to other claims of Shopkeeper class, "explained the president.
Mayor Romero Rodrigues thanked the visit of the representatives of the CDL and took advantage to highlight the importance of the actions for the development of the city's trade. "It is necessary to strengthen the partnership between the Government and the entities that contribute to the development of the city as a whole, which is not different with the entities of commerce," he said.
They were also present at the meeting: Rosália Lucas (Vice-president of the CDL); The directors: Valéria Valença, Frederico Gomes and Antônio Hamilton Fechine, besides the Secretary of Economic development of the municipality, Luiz Alberto Leite.