For 40% of consumers, financial life is bad, shows indicator of SPC Brazil and Cndl

Tight budget and the difficulty of paying bills are the main reasons for the statement. Only 21% of consumers are optimistic about the future of the economy. 75% noticed an increase in fuel tariff between July and August

For the second consecutive month, consumer confidence grew again and reached 42.3 points in August, compared to 41.4 points in July. Data from the consumer confidence Indicator (ICC) of the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) show that the Brazilian consumer follows caution: 40% assess, at the present time, their financial life As bad and only 12% as good – already for the evaluation of the economy, the percentage of those who believe is bad rises to 79% and that of optimists only 3%.

"In general, consumers tend to be more optimistic when dealing with their own financial life rather than dealing with the country's economy. However, optimism does not always have solid justifications, "says the president of Cndl, Honório Pinheiro. "The consolidation of the improvement in the perception of the current moment and trust will essentially depend on the continuity of economic resumption in the second semester. Several economic indicators have already indicated some improvement, as is the case of inflation, interest and even economic activity. This is still not reflected, however, in the consumer's day-to-day ", he says.

The data of the subindicator of current conditions, which recorded 30.1 points in August before 30.2 points in July, shows that among those who evaluate the economic climate as bad, the main symptoms are high unemployment (49%), the increase in prices (25%) and the high Interest rates (8%).

When it comes to responding to financial life itself, the tight budget and the difficulty of paying the bills are the main reasons for considering bad financial life, pointed out by 36% of these consumers. The interviewees also mentioned unemployment (32%), decreased family income (17%), loss of financial control (5%) and unforeseen (4%).

Only 21% of consumers are optimistic about the future of the economy

The poll also sought to know what Brazilians expect from the future of the economy of Brazil and its own financial life – the subindicator of expectations, which recorded 54.5 points in August compared to 52.7 points in July. Above the 50 points, the result indicates that most consumers have a positive perception of the future of their financial life and the economy.

Considering consumers ' expectations for the economy, only 21% said they were optimistic about the next six months, while 34% said they were pessimistic. According to the indicator, 28% of the pessimists with the economy do not have good expectations for believing that corruption hinders the country's performance. Another reason cited is the high level of unemployment that is still noted (20%). It also mentions the disagreement with the current economic policy (17%); the fact that the institutions and laws do not favor the development of the country (13%) and the high prices (10%).

In the case of expectations for financial life, 60% expressed good expectations for financial life and 10% expressed bad or very bad expectations. Despite this, most optimistic consumers do not know for certain to justify the reasons for optimism (37%). There are, however, 27% that support their position in the prospect of obtaining a new job or promotion; 11% who believe that the economy will improve, 8% say they are investing in the profession and 8% claim to have done a good management of finances.

75% noticed an increase in fuel tariff between July and August

For almost half of consumers (52%), what is heavier in family financial life is the cost of living. It also weighs on the budget of the families unemployment, cited by 17%, and the indebtedness, mentioned by 13%. In addition to these, 11% cite the decline in monthly incomes and only 4% say that nothing is weighing on family financial life.

If the cost of living bothers, it is in the supermarkets that consumers most perceive the increase in prices: 75% noticed that prices increased in these locations in August, compared to the previous month. For 75%, fuel tariffs also increased (in July the percentage was 41%). There was still a perception of the increase in the prices of clothes and footwear (50%), bars and restaurants (47%) and landline/cell phone (46%).

ia801 consumers were interviewed about four main questions: 1) Consumers ' assessment of the current time of the economy; 2) The assessment of the financial life itself; 3) The perception about the future of the economy and 4) the perception about the future of the financial life itself. The indicator and its openings show that there is confidence when the points are above the neutral level of 50 points. When the indicator comes below 50, it indicates lack of confidence.

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