CDL offers online service to find lost or stolen documents


 The revelry of the prolonged carnival holiday is a propitious time for people to lose documents or be stolen. Documents such as the identity card or CPF (physical person registration), falling into the hands of scammers, may cause post-carnival headaches.

   In addition to making the BO, who had a document stolen or lost at Carnival can use the ' 24h alert ', a service offered by CDL Campina Grande that gives the consumer the opportunity to keep their documents safe through an integrated system with SPC Brazil and with more than 2,200 entities from all over the country that blocks documents, credit cards and cheques, making it impossible for third parties to use them. 

   With this, the risk of fraud is reduced, since commercial establishments are informed of the problem, avoiding the problems arising from having their personal data used by scammers in time purchases, when consultations are made in the database of SPC for the granting of credit.

   In case of loss, theft, theft or misplaced of personal documents, such as CPF, the consumer must personally attend the CDL Campina Grande, located Rua Barão do Abiaí, No. 24, Centro, with the report on hand and request, free of charge, the registration In the SPC Brazil register. More information: 3182.5004.


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