With improved confidence, 41% of micro and small entrepreneurs should invest more in 2019, show Cndl/SPC Brazil

Among the mpes that intend to make investments, 60% have the goal of increasing sales. Intention to take credit also advances 16% in January 2019 before the same month of the previous year faced with the prospect of recovering the economy, the micro and small entrepreneurs of retail and trade have shown greater appetite to make investments in 2019. This is what data from the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) points out. The survey shows that 41% of these entrepreneurs intend to invest this year, compared to 35% in 2018. On the other hand, 38% do not plan to make any kind of movement in this direction and 21% still do not know what they will do. The   The indicator that measures the investment propensity of mpes (micro and small enterprises) went from 41.4 points in January 2018 to 47.9 in January 2019, a 16% high in the annual comparison. The methodology, the closer to 100, the greater the propensity for investment. The closer to zero, the lower the propensity. Among the entrepreneurs who should invest, six out of ten (60%) aim to increase sales, while 27% seek to meet the increase in demand and 25% want to adapt their company to new technologies. The main purpose for these resources will be the purchase of equipment (31%). Then, 26% seek to reform the company and 22% expand its stocks. In the evaluation of the president of Cndl, José César da Costa, the return of appetite for new investments reflects the improvement of confidence. "The expectation with regard to the future of economics and business is that economic activity grows more strongly this year, boosting consumption and, consequently, the turnover of companies," he says. Demand for mpes by credit advances 16% in the annual comparison; 29% Consider difficult hiring process the poll sought to know what Brazilians expect about the future of the economy and its finances. According to the survey, 34% of Brazilians are optimistic about the economy for the coming months, while another 34% remain neutral, that is, they do not claim that the country's economic conditions will be better or worse in six months. Already 27% said they were pessimistic. Among those who believe in the resumption of the economy, 43% did not know the right reason. For 40%, this climate of optimism is linked to the fact that the political scenario is more favorable, 12% attribute to the perception of unemployment decline and 11% for seeing a stabilization in prices. At the other end, the pessimists highlight the corruption scandals (46%), the fear that inflation would get out of control (42%) and unemployment (37%) as factors that most weigh. When questioned about what they expect for the next six months in relation to their finances, six out of ten Brazilians (61%) think their financial life will improve, against only 9% who believe in a worsening. There are still 25% of neutral respondents. Cost of living blows up Brazilian families and is the main complaint of more than half of the respondents the year also starts with the micro and small entrepreneurs more likely to take credit than in 2018. In January 2019, the indicator that measures the demand for credit recorded 25.1 points against 21.6 points in the same month of the previous year, which means a 16% advance. This increase gives evidence of resumption of credit, albeit in a timid way. In percentage terms, the data indicate that 15% of the MPEs intend to contract credit in the next three months. On the other hand, 67% ruled out this possibility — in January 2018 that figure accounted for 76% — and 18% still cannot tell if they will resort to extra resources. B The loan leads the list of modalities that must be contracted, with 49% of the mentions. Secondly, the financing (17%) and the third is the corporate credit card (11%). The poll also found that 29% consider the process of hiring difficult credit, while 22% find it easy or 17% do not consider it neither easy nor difficult. In addition to these, an expressive percentage declares never to have contracted credit, reaching 29%. Questioned about the obstacles to borrowing credit, 60% of those who consider hiring difficult point to the main problems of bureaucracy and the requirements of banks. For 57%, high interest rates are a major impediments. Among those who consider it easy to obtain credit, 49% cite the good relationship with financial institutions. Already 37% mention the fact of having the accounts in a day and 26% say that the company's documentation in order facilitates the process. Another 21% point to the company's time of existence as an important item. "The high interest rates, which still follow high even with recent declines, end up inhibiting credit uptake by much of the business. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge of the existing market modalities. Many options are available, with lower conditions and rates for the mpes segment, "says SPC Brazil President Roque Pellizzaro Junior. Methodology the demand indicators for credit and propensity for investments of Micro and small entrepreneur calculated by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) take into account 800 Enterprises with up to 49 employees, in the 27 units of the Federation, including capitals and inland. The micro and small companies represent 39% and 35% of the universe of Brazilian companies in the segments of trade and services, respectively.  Access the full indicator and the methodology in Https://www.spcbrasil.org.br/imprensa/indices-economicos

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