Number of consumers who have regulated debts has higher high since the end of 2015, reveals SPC Brazil and Cndl

The growth is 3% in the accumulated 12 months. In the comparison with the same period last year, the southeast region had a higher positive variation with 33%, followed by the Northeast with 26%

The credit recovery indicator, measured by the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) nationwide, indicates a significant growth of 3% in April in the number of consumers who have achieved Recover the credit, considering the accumulated of the last in 12 months. This is the highest recorded high since October 2015. The data is obtained from the exclusions of delinquency records by full payment of the debt or renegotiation of the debit.



For the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, the data reflects the gradual resumption of the Brazilian economy. "Despite the increase of people who have paid overdue debts, the volume of open accounts is still large. But to the extent that the improvement of the economy will result in a decline in unemployment and the increase in the income of the population, the consumer must return to credit, "says The Economist.

Southeast was the region that most placed financial backlogs in the day

Among the regions that presented the highest positive variation in the number of debtors with credit recovery, the southeast is highlighted in April, with 33%, when compared to the same period of the previous year. Next comes the northeast, with a high of 26%. The North region showed stability of the indicator in the period, without showing variation, while the other regions had more timid variations than the national average (25%), although they registered High: Midwest (12%) and South (4%).

Data from the credit recovery indicator also reveals that of the total delinquents that have quitted their disputes in April, most (46%) are aged between 30 and 49 years. The second track that most recovered credit (13%) was that of consumers between 18 to 29 years, while the public over 65 years represents another 12%. In the opening by gender, the figures show that 51% of those who recovered the credit are female and 45% male.

Volume of renegotiated debts is stable in the accumulated 12 months, but result is the best since May 2016

Another information measured by the indicator is the amount of debt paid. In the accumulated 12 months, the data was stable in the month of April. Although it is still a negative data, it is the best result recorded since May 2016, when this number arrived showed a high of 1%. At the height of the crisis, in September 2016, the indicator reached-9%. Even more expressive fall occurred in the south (-14%) and north (-11%) regions. There was also a 3% retreat in the southeast and stability of the indicator in the northeast. Only the Midwest region was discharged in the number of arrears (2%).



Among the total debts paid, the largest slice (56%) is related to financial institutions — credit card, financing, loans and insurance. The second type of overdue debt that was more regularized refers to the water and light accounts, representing 23%. Thirdly, there are outstanding disputes in the credit or billet in the trade, with 11%. The debts of telephone bills, pay TV and Internet are 5%.  "It is very important to avoid overindebtedness. The recommendation for the consumer who needs to prioritize some account is to settle the debts with higher interest, "directs The Economist.


The credit recovery indicator shows the evolution of the number of debtors who have left the registration of delinquents in a given month due to the payment of their backlog in arrears, as well as the amount of debts. For this, the output records of CPFS are used from the bases to which the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) has access. The data are nationwide. Download the full indicator at Https://

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