State Revenue collection portion of the ICMS of Liquida Campina 2017


The commercial establishments of Campina Grande and more than sixteen municipalities that joined the Liquida Campina campaign, promoted by the House of Shopkeepers (CDL), will have the collection of the ICMS divided into two times in sales destined to the consumer Final, referring to the month of July. The settlement was carried out in the period from 06 to 16 July.

The Government of Paraíba, through the secretariat of State for Revenue, published the Decree 37,512, in the Official Gazette of the state last Saturday (22). According to the text of the decree, the dates for the gathering of the July tribute will be August 15th (1st installment) and September 15th (2nd installment).

The installment will only be applied to the retail taxpayers who are in the relationship provided to the state revenue by CDL Campina Grande, with all participants of the aforementioned campaign, informed until July 16th.

Companies need to be up to date with revenue

The benefit of installment payments requires that retail companies are regularly enrolled in the ICMS taxpayer Register of the state of Paraíba and also on a daily basis with their tax obligations. However, the installment of ICMS does not include the operations subject to the tax substitution and the ICMS guaranteed.

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