FCDL and CDL carry out the I State Trade Forum


In the midst of efforts to resume economic growth, the Federation of CDL ´ S of Paraíba (FCDL-PB) and the Chamber of shopkeepers – CDL of Campina Grande held, on August 31st, the 1st State Trade Forum. The event will take place strategically in the face of one of the biggest challenges in the Brazilian market and discuss the situation of the country in the current scenario.


With the motto: "The United Commerce overcomes challenges" the expectation of the FCDL-PB and the CDL Campina Grande when organizing the forum is to bring together a large number of entrepreneurs, authorities and business leaders from all over the Paraiba to discuss Strategies and acquire knowledge about matters of class interest, besides the possibility of expanding networking.


According to the president of FCDL – PB, José Lopes da Silva Neto, among the sectors that most have suffered the impacts caused by the structural crisis of recent years is retail and, although the activity is already presenting a slight recovery, still has a long way for Front. "The Forum will be the opportunity to discuss and look for exits to the country's institutional crisis and, in the same proportion, unite its defending agents to overcome the challenges and instigate reflection on strategies capable of reinventing and expanding trade and Economy of Paraíba, "he said.


Programming has a lecture with João Dória


The State Trade Forum is in its first edition, but is already born great! A grid of well-known speakers in retail and political scene have confirmed presence. Check out:


Panels: Roque Pellizzaro Jr. – President of SPC Brazil

Marcela Kauwauty – SPC Brazil economist

Deputy Federal Rogério Marinho – Rapporteur for the Labour reform

Dr. Thiago Misael – Attorney General of the Republic

Rodrigo Márcio Medeiros Paiva-Sebrae


Lecture with the entrepreneur and Mayor of São Paulo – João Dória Jr.


Date: August 31st

Venue: Quinta da Colina Maison

City: Campina Grande

Time: from 8 hours



 Tickets are being sold at the FCDL – PB, in Joao Pessoa, and at CDL Campina Grande at the price of R $130.00 for Associates and R $160.00 for non-associates. All participants will be entitled to lunch which will be served after the lectures.


More information: www.forumestadualdocomercio.com.br




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