CDL launches Liquida Campina 2017 and expects to move R $70 million


With the shrinking economy and consumers increasingly cautious, trade has sought alternatives to heat sales and bring back confidence for both the shopkeeper and the consumer. 

 For this purpose, the Chamber of Shopkeepers (CDL) of Campina Grande launched on Tuesday morning (21), during a breakfast for shopkeepers, political authorities, business leaders, representatives of banking institutions and the press, the 15th Edition of the Liquida Campina campaign. The biggest liquidation of the retail trade in Paraiba that in 2017 completes 15 years of success and consolidation of the brand.

As in previous years, the mega-liquidation should take place in the second half of the year and the expectation of the CDL is that about a thousand points of sale in Campina Grande and other neighboring municipalities participate in the campaign offering to consume opportunities for Purchase and facilitated payment conditions.

The President of the entity, Artur Almeida, recalled that the success of the campaign is always for the consumer that besides buying still wins great prizes and also for the shopkeeper who sees the movement of his store increase in a period of retraction.  "In Liquida Campina everyone wins, the shopkeeper, who increases their sales, the consumer who competes prizes and sellers who also gain an incentive. No doubt, Liquida is more sales, more prizes and more opportunities, "he said.

This year the estimate of the organization is that more than 2.5 million coupons are distributed during the ten days of the campaign, which represents, for the entrepreneurs of retail trade, an approximate turnover of more than R $70 million for the sector. In view of these figures, the campaign figures as an event of great importance for the local economy, expanding revenue and contributing to the increase in the collection.

The launch of Liquida Campina 2017 was attended by Mayor Romero Rodrigues, the president of the city Council of Councilors, Ivonete Ludgério, directors of the CDL and other authorities.

The event was closed with the lecture "The Way of entrepreneurship" of the poet and consultant of the program Encontro with Fátima Bernardes, from Rede Globo, Bráulio Bessa.


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