82% of young Brazilians contribute to the livelihood of the house

A survey conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) with young people between 18:30 years old mapped the social relations, financial responsibilities, the lifestyle of this population and the Involvement with technology and shows that eight out of ten young Brazilians contribute financially to the House's livelihood (82%)., 29% have only one part without being the main responsible, while 27% say they are the main responsible for the Expenses. Those who do not help add up to 18%, and 11% say that in addition to not having any responsibility for expenses, they have the accounts paid by the parents for lack of income, especially those aged between 18 and 24 years (16%).

The survey also shows that more than half (51%) of young people live with their parents and 38% say they live with a partner or spouse. Only 4% live alone. Regarding marital status, almost half of the young (46%) are single, 26% are married and 23% date, and 10% live together.

In addition, the study reveals that 44% of young people have work with a signed portfolio as a source of income. About 25% of the young people said they work informally, make nozzles or act as freelancers to stay, with emphasis on classes C, D and E (28%), and 10% are doing internship, especially between 18 and 24 years (14%). Those who receive financial assistance from parents add up to 10% and those who do not have income are 8%.

"As expected, people who are part of the age group of 18 to 24 years are more dependent on parents and relatives, in general. This is due to the fact that they are in the process of academic training and/or professional development and are therefore more financially unstable. On the other hand, young people belonging to classes C, D and E, need to help in the livelihood of the house in some way due to the need to complete the family budget ", analyzes Marcela Kawauti, chief economist of SPC Brazil.

Young is connected and most accesses the Internet by smartphone

The survey reveals that 89% of young people have a smartphone, with emphasis on classes A and B (98%), 80% have laptops and 72% have a desktop computer. In addition, the smartphone is the main means of access to the worldwide computer network (81%), exceeding notebooks (68%), desktop computers (64%) and tablets (25%).

Among young people with a smartphone, 98% said they could access at least one application daily, with emphasis on classes A and B (100%). Messaging Applications (80%), games (49%) and geolocation (45%) are the most used.

Regarding the main reasons for accessing the internet, watching videos (70%), updating (67%), sending and answering personal emails (62%) and listening to music (61%) are the priorities. The research also revealed that the main social networks used are Facebook (95%), WhatsApp (93%) and YouTube (91%). For 72% of the young people who access social networks, the main reason is to keep in touch with friends, followed by distraction (67%) and contact with the family (60%).

Appearance, leisure and health are very important for young people

The study of SPC Brazil and Cndl also investigated the relationship of young people with their appearance, leisure and health. Almost all respondents (98%) reported caring for health, with physical exercises (47%), balanced feeding (39%) and being happy and positive thinking (33%) are the main practices to stay healthy. Walking (51%), bodybuilding (49%) and running (35%) are the main activities among young people practicing exercises.

Regarding care to feel more beautiful and confident, 98% of young people also have some habit, especially women (100%). Care with the teeth (47%), purchase of clothes, shoes and accessories (47%) and physical activities (44%) are the main activities adopted.

According to the chief economist of SPC Brazil, the data show that the market for young people's consumption has great potential. "Young people show that they are very concerned with appearance and health. Therefore, it is important that entrepreneurs with a focus on this audience diversify their offer of products and services in this area ", says Marcela Kawauti.

Leisure is something important for all young people interviewed. What they do most in their spare time is surfing the Internet (69%), listening to music (61%) and watching TV (53%). Activities that demand spending, such as cinema, travel, bars, ballads and restaurants or cultural events are carried out mainly by classes A and B, according to the survey.

Young people care about their careers and want to acquire property in the future. Corruption and health are among the greatest fears

Almost all of the young people interviewed claim to have plans for the next five years. Most are related to career: 29% want to graduate in college, 28% want job stability and 27% hope to have a good professional career. Another 24% still intend to acquire a property.

Young people consider that after the age of 30 they will be adults if they have their own property (30%), are happy in the profession (28%) and have free time to do what they like (26%).

Almost all young people interviewed (99%) said they had concerns about the future, being the main ones: not having physical health (29%) or relying on other people because of illness (24%); not working on what you like (29%) or not having money for sustenance Own (24%); and also more general concerns, such as corruption (25%) and prospects for economic growth in the country (24%).

One in five young people has plans to open their own business

With more easy access to information, young people are learning more about entrepreneurship and new business models. 22% of young people have the desire to open their own company in the next five years. In addition, 22% also say they will feel fulfilled after 30 years if they have a company. It is noteworthy that today, 7% of young people are entrepreneurs, with prominence between 25 and 30 years (10%) and belonging to classes A and B (16%).

"The broad Internet access brings to the young Brazilian more information about the culture of entrepreneurship, generating interest in new business models such as startups. Moreover, the economic crisis can boost this search for the business itself, since young people need to find alternatives to stay in the job market without relying on employment with a signed wallet, "says Marcela Kawauti.


We interviewed 601 young people aged 18:30 years, of both genders and of all social classes in the 27 Brazilian capitals. The overall margin of error is 4.0 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%.

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