José Hildon Boa Ventura – action in full dream

President CDL 1967

It was the white cotton that brought the entrepreneur Hildon Boa Ventura to the Queen of Borborema. Natural of Ceará, opened in 1955 in Campina Grande to Remaq, a pioneer in the commercialization of office equipment. Besides being one of the founders of the CDL, he was a secretary and was also part of the Board, actively working for the development of local trade. At the time, he held major events, as he himself reports in an interview made to journalist Ronaldo Dinoá, for the old diary of Borborema: "We did between 1966 and 1967 1 of the biggest Christmas promotion of the season, with parade of Santa Claus in open car, with Participation in procession with more 273 cars through the streets of the city. It was an unforgettable moment, "he said.

Hildon was also part of the only Paraíba delegation in the 7th National Merchant Trade Convention, which took place between 07 and 13 August 1966 in Porto Alegre. "It was a very special moment, there we were representing the state in an event that had the entire Brazil present. In addition to the valuable exchange of knowledge, it was an honor to represent the CDL at such an important moment. "

Hildon always shared his passion for poetry with the Struggle for trade development: "I have always been a man to fight for the dream, never to give up. I guess without that courage, that momentum, we're not going far. The CDL was a place of struggle because we represented trade in an economy that was not always favorable. We had to acknowledge our weaknesses and turn them into steps to overcome them. That's where our greatest strength comes from. " Its management in the CDL was marked by the stimulus of the shopkeeper community to unite even more in search of the same ideal, and for this worked hard. "Like every association, unity makes strength. We are like a big fire, if we burn alone soon our flame will diminish and be extinguishing. But if we are together, we will grow and our flames will rise to the heavens. ", declares.


Admired for his austerity, by his character and mainly by the work and dedication that became his mark on the CDL, Hildon Boa Ventura marked with praise his passage by the entity in one of his verses portrays well his way of conducting life, both personal and Professional: No matter what I've already been/the important thing is what I am/still the serious man/WHO in life has extravasated,/health and very criterion,/work and good humor. – José Hildon Boa Ventura. 

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