JOSÉ FRANCISCO Valério NETO – dedication to development

President CDL-1976

One of the most striking moments of the management José Francisco Valério Neto was the conquest of the headquarters of the CDL. The headquarters had been acquired in the management of then President José Marinho de Lucena, and according to Valerius, the process continued in his management. "It was in my management that we completed the purchase, since it was a high value and it began to be paid for shares. To liquidate the debt, we made a loan. At the time it was more complicated to get money this way, but with a lot of fighting we finally finished the purchase and solve this question. " Explains. 

In 1976, the time when Valerius was president, the CDL was still called the club of shopkeepers and was already seeking to offer some training courses for retailers and employees alike. It was also at this time that the system of consultation and registration began to have important improvements.  "The creation of the CDL was an important step for the city's economy. All the other sectors had incentives and programs such as industry, but for trade there was still something that had this goal – encouraging the growth of the economy. The CDL came to fill that gap. " Claims. 

For Valerius, trade is one of the most important pillars, because it is precisely situated between the manufacturing and the final consumer and to have a competent distribution channel must be increasingly empowering both the shopkeeper itself and the employees. With this consciousness, he worked to increasingly strengthen the city's trade with tools that enabled the development of the shopkeeper class, and thus bring more inputs to the economy.

Valerius tells us that the universe of the business world was a grateful surprise. "I never imagined myself as a businessman, nor to be president of an entity such as the CDL," confesses Valerius, who is graduated in law. "I was invited to the Board of the entity and it was a great honor. At the time I had completed the law course and had experience with administration and accounting, which helped a lot in my activities at the CDL. 

The former president tells that the CDL was of great importance for the creation of the Merchant Federation of Paraíba, in which it contributed a lot. Valerius also emphasizes the good relationship that the CDL has and always had with the public authorities, always bringing to light issues related to the needs of the trade and also struggling for the development of the sector. "Who is part of the CDL carries the same dream: to see the trade of the city grow, to see the economy develop. With me it was no different, my trajectory within the house of shopkeepers was entirely guided by this dream. So every one of my fights was worth it, "he concludes.


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