The Cndl system is the representation of the Union of the National Confederation of Shopkeepers, with its federations of shopkeepers, CDL's and the Credit protection services, SPC.
Cndl – National Confederation of Shopkeepers: It is a nonprofit entity that aims to represent the segment nationally.
FCDL's – Federations of the shopkeepers ' chambers: are non-profit class entities of the retail sector, which aim to unify, at the state level, the cameras of shopkeepers of the country.
CDL's-Chambers of shopkeepers: they are civil entities, not for profit, aim to ensure, by the interests and rights of companies associated with them in the municipal sphere.
National Confederation of Shopkeepers-Cndl
Founded on October 21, 1960, headquartered in the city of Brasília-DF, the National Confederation of Shopkeepers has 27 state entities (FCDL's), which bring together more than 2000 chambers of shopkeepers (CDL's) representing the sector of commerce and services.
More information on the website:
Federation of shopkeepers of Paraíba-fcdl
The Federation of Shopkeepers ' chambers acts in order to catalyze the interests and aspirations of CDL ´ s based in the state of Paraíba, defending their interests and representing them with public authorities in the state sphere. Currently there are about 25 CDL's in the whole state.
More information on the website:
Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande – CDL-CG
The Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande is constituted by companies, individuals and corporations, focusing on the sector of commerce, services and other activities of the branch.
The purpose of the entity is to defend, guide and represent the legitimate interests of the associates with the public, executive, legislative and judicial authorities, in addition to conducting actions that promote the trade of the region.