The number of consumers who renegotal debts with SPC Falls

A survey conducted by the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande (CDL-CG) with the Credit protection system (SPC Brazil), pointed out that, in 2016, the number of consumers who have sought the renegotiation of their debts fell 11% in Campina Grande Compared to the same period last year. 

From January to October 2016 were registered 6,857 exclusions of campinenses consumers from the National Register of debtors, while in 2015, this number was equal to 7,680 renegotiated debts.

For the president of the CDL, Artur Pellet, the research reflects the reality of the Brazilian economy. According to him, people remain fearful of the instability that the country still faces and prefer to keep the name dirty in the square and to settle the debts only when the market presents signs of recovery. 

"The consumer's caution in relation to the Brazilian economy is still very heavy and the retail has felt quite these effects. People prefer to continue with the debt to then try to renegotiate the interest that stay with the budget even tighter, "said the shopkeeper leader.

On the other hand, according to the survey, the number of new delinquent consumers also fell. Between January and October 2016, 11,133 people had their name negated with SPC Brasil. Already in 2015, the amount of people who entered the negative register of the credit protection body was equal to 13,416. 17% drop.

"Even with fewer people being negated throughout the year, our concern still focuses on those who are failing to honor their debts," he added. 

Still according to Artur, the CDL should launch an action to encourage consumers to use the extra year-end money to pay the overdue bills and take advantage of the discounts offered by shopkeepers. "We must start a campaign in the next few days so that people will use the thirteenth salary to pay their debts and return to their name clean in the square," he concluded. 

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