CDL announces the result of the Showcase Junina contest


Created to foster the festivities in the Campina Grande Trade, the Cultural contest Vitrine Junina, promoted by CDL elected the store only cold, located Avenida Getúlio Vargas, n º 410, Centro, as the owner of the most beautiful decoration typical of the festivities Juninos, in 2017.


   More than thirty commercial and service establishments, associated or not to the CDL, were enrolled, from 30 May to 15 June, in the campaign that also awards the decorator responsible for the ornamentation. will be delivered r $2000 in prizes, being r $1,000 for the shopkeeper and R $1,000 for the decorator.


   The criteria taken into account by the jury, composed of the decorator Rui Sales, journalist Daniela Pimentel and the commercial supervisor of CDL Paulo Ricardo Lima, was the creativity, originality, regionality and message transmitted by the decoration of Store.


   The President of the CDL, Artur Pellet, stressed the importance of the achievement of the only cultural contest promoted to enhance the décor of the city. "Our intention is to value the shopkeeper himself and make the consumer enter the atmosphere of the festivities of the time. Thus, we believe that we are contributing in some way to the increase in sales, "he emphasized.


   The awarding of the awards takes place on the afternoon of Tuesday (27), by the team of CDL Campina Grande, in the shop winning the contest.

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