Geonardo de Paula Cabral – the commitment to honesty

President CDL – 1975

At 90 years old, Mr. Geonardo remembers proudly his history with the CDL. "It was a long time of work. The CDL was still called the shopkeepers ' club. We had a very active team, always looking for improvements to the trade, to the growth of Campina ', recalls.

Geonardo was a merchant in Natal, where he negotiated crockery. Thanks to its good relationship with customers and suppliers, arose the invitation to represent an American brand also in Paraíba, where it settled in Campina Grande in the year 1964. "It was at this time when I started to participate in the CDL and, together with my companions, work for the development of retail trade. At this time we took the first step to acquire the building itself of the CDL and also focused on the improvement of the credit protection service, which helped the merchants a lot, "he says.

Over nine decades of life and a large part of it devoted to work, Geonardo only keeps good memories of his participation in the CDL. "It was an intense year, with challenges and a lot of work, but I only have to thank for the opportunity. I grew up a lot as a professional and as a person, besides working with competent people who also helped me in management. I am proud to be a part of and contribute to the history of the CDL. I've always worked with love, without waiting for recognition or anything in return. I bring with me what my father has passed to me and that I have passed to all my children: honesty is the obligation of every man, "he concludes.

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