Álvaro de Barros Correia – The Fight for SPC 1981 – 16th president. 

Álvaro de Barros Correia is recognized for the dedication with which he worked in the CDL, mainly to improve the credit protection service. Entrepreneur and entrepreneur, he was the founder of two major companies in the graphic sector – Sertec and Epgraf. "were difficult times because there was no credit card and the checks were still becoming popular. The credit was given in other ways, we often had to wait for customers to return to pay, sometimes they took time to settle their debts, which was very bad for the turnover of capital in the trade. My father faced this situation on two fronts-as an entrepreneur and also on the board of the CDL ", explains Álvaro Moraes, son of the former president.


Álvaro Barros Correia's trajectory is marked by a lot of work mainly for the growth of the Campina grande trade. For such, the entrepreneur focused on the system that would become the main credit analysis tool of CDL. He then devoted himself to creating an effective credit protection tool, improving SPC to expand its use by other retailers. "These actions were of great importance because they made available new tools for consulting the trade, making the service increasingly effective for all," he explains. 


Álvaro was also responsible for bringing the first financial to Campina Grande – the cycle, by Carlos Lacerda and headquartered in São Paulo to serve consumers who did not have the capital for cash purchases. At the time, it divided its time between financial, its companies and the work in the CDL, performing efficiently and dedication all its functions.  According to his son, Álvaro was a man who did not think only of the growth of his company or of his projects. He had a look beyond, in the future, that glimpd the development of the whole city as a whole through his trade. So for him it was so important to be with the CDL. It was a place where he realized doing what he liked best to do: work for his community, for his city.


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